Create and send professional estimates on the spot.Turn estimates into invoices with a single tap.Close more business deals. How it works • Enter your info• Add customers manually or from Contacts• Add your products or servicesAfter that, you can create and send professional estimates instantly. Flexibility • Manually edit titles (e.g. Estimate -> estimación, Quote)• Manually edit subtitles (e.g. Billing address -> Bill to, Signature -> Approved by)• Multi currencies (e.g. $, £, ... Manually enter your currency code)• Flexible Date format • Works without the internet• Payment term set up based on each customer (7 days by default)• Decimal hours or quantity supported• Edit existing documents• Add signature and date on the spot• Icon, Signature, Note, Other comments fields wont appear if nothing is entered• Preview estimates before sending them as a PDF• Send as a PDF or print wirelessly• CSV spreadsheet export• Create 5 estimates for free Professional • Add business registration name (ABN etc.) and number• Tax, GST, VAT set up (e.g. No tax, single tax, compound tax)• Add discount (Actual $ or %)• payment terms (Immediate, 7 days, 14 days, 21 days,...up to 180 days)• Add your company logo• Password screen lock Mobility • Send directly from iPhone and iPad • Your personal estimate system in your pocketPlease feel free to contact us for anything.Simplify your life now.